Construction Updates
About The Project
The City of Fort Myers begins work in May to mill and resurface the existing McGregor Boulevard roadway from Manuels Drive to Cleveland Avenue (US 41). In addition to resurfacing, the project will replace and maintain some water line and drainage and replace existing concrete sidewalk and curb where disturbed due to the project. This project will upgrade street signs and provide pedestrian crossing improvements. While the final product enhances the corridor by upgrading the drainage system and improving the driving surface, it will not change the “look” of McGregor Boulevard as it is today. The project is expected to be completed in summer 2023.
- A new crosswalk on McGregor Boulevard at Victoria Avenue/Altamont Avenue.
- Llewellyn Drive at McGregor Boulevard will be modified to a one lane dedicated ingress on the south side and a one lane dedicated egress on the north side of the Rachel at the Well fountain.
- A solar-powered Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon (RRFB) is proposed for the crosswalk on McGregor Boulevard at Clifford Street.

Public Notification
Documents related to the McGregor Boulevard Resurfacing project will be posted to
keep you up-to-date.
What to Expect During Construction
The City’s goal is to maintain two-way traffic on McGregor Boulevard when possible; however, even with two lanes open, motorists will experience periodic delays. Commuters that use McGregor Boulevard who do not have a destination along the corridor should choose alternate routes during the project as delays could be substantial. Construction activities will require lane shifts and lane closures with flagging operations on McGregor Boulevard. The majority of the work on McGregor Boulevard will be located in areas where there are two travel lanes and a center turn lane. This allows the contractor to close one lane to work yet maintain two-way traffic during the heavier seasonal vehicle volumes. During some activities, vehicles may be detoured to side streets. Motorists that must use McGregor Boulevard should plan extra travel time. Pedestrians should also expect sidewalk detours.
Water Shut off
Water will be shut off to some businesses and residents as they disconnect services from the existing water main and connect services to a new main. Immediately following a water shut off, you will be required to boil your water until satisfactory completion of bacteriological testing shows the water is safe to drink. You will receive written notice of planned water shut offs and water rescission notices that will inform you when the water is safe to drink.
Although you will receive advance notification of any planned water shut offs, please keep in mind old water mains could be damaged or disintegrate unexpectedly due to the heavy construction equipment. In the case of an emergency, we have a plan in place to notify you and will work to restore service as soon as possible. You may want to keep extra bottled water on hand to use in case of an emergency water line break.
Public Services
- The team will coordinate with public services such as mail delivery, garbage/recycle, bus services, and Lee County School Transportation.
- Police/Fire and Emergency Medical Services (EMS) will be notified of the construction and advised of road closures.
- If there is someone in your home that requires special needs transportation services, please contact the City’s Public Information Consultant at
239-337-1071 or email to